ASET Welcomes Newly Certified Members
12, Dec, 2019
Obtaining your ASET designation is a significant personal accomplishment and an important professional milestone: Personal because of the sense of accomplishment you feel after completing such a rigorous process; professional because of the real benefits that accrue when you can put recognized letters after your name.
To celebrate the certification of new members in 2019, ASET hosted a President's Celebration on December 10, 2019, welcoming newly-certified technicians and technologists. The feedback from staff and Council in attendance has been overwhelmingly positive and ASET plans to continue the event in the future.
“If the new C.E.T.’s and C.Tech.’s I met are representative of their peers, then I can say with complete confidence that the future of our profession is in excellent hands,” said ASET President, Don Wilson. He smiled and continued, “And I must say their kids were absolutely delightful and extremely well behaved. Thank you one and all for coming out on a snowy evening.”
ASET President Don Wilson with newly certified members attending the Presdient's Celebration on December 10, 2019.
Keep an eye out for invitations to a variety of events in 2020 as we ramp up our offerings and bring you more opportunities to network with your fellow ASET-registered professionals. In the meantime, from all of us, to all of you, Happy Holidays and a prosperous New Year.