Bylaws and Legislation

Bylaws and Legislation

Below you can find the various resources pertaining to ASET Bylaws and Government of Alberta legislation. These resources will help you understand the legal frameworks enforced by ASET, and any legislation relating to ASET.

Fair Registration Practices

The ASET Fairness Committee annually reviews a report on fair registration practices prepared by the Registrar. This process has led to a number of important changes for ASET, including the adoption of competency-based assessment and a Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition program.  ASET’s annual Fair Registration Practices Reports are available for download below.   

ASET’s Statement on Discrimination and Bias

ASET does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, religious beliefs, colour, gender, gender identity, gender expression, physical disability, mental disability, age, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, source of income, family status or sexual orientation[1] in any of its activities or operations. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for our applicants, members, volunteers, staff and vendors. In relation to the application process for registration and the regulation of registered members, ASET ensures its policies and processes are transparent, objective, impartial and fair. ASET also ensures that staff and volunteers involved in application or regulatory activities receive anti-bias and anti-discrimination training.

[1] The protected grounds covered by the Alberta Human Rights Act

ASET’s Guiding Principles

  1. Transparency: ASET will publish the following information in a manner that is accessible to applicants, members, volunteers, external stakeholders, and the public:
    1. The application requirements and process for all membership and designation categories, including special accommodation options.
    2. The legislated complaint, investigation, discipline, and appeal processes. 
    3. The continuing professional development requirements and process.
    4. The practice options for members who are unemployed, ill, on temporary leave, working out of province, or retired.

  2. Objectivity: In developing and maintaining its application and regulatory policies and processes, ASET will:
    1. Have a multi-level review process for certification and registration based on criteria set out in the Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act and related regulations, national academic standards, and recognized standards for educational and psychological testing to ensure consistent decision outcomes for all applicants.
    2. Carry out a periodic review of the assessment tools used in the certification and registration process to ensure the tools remain valid for the evaluation of applicants.
    3. Provide training to volunteers involved in application and regulatory practices to ensure adherence to legislated requirements and established policies and procedures.

  3. Impartiality: In developing and maintaining its application and regulatory policies and processes, ASET will:
    1. Require all volunteers involved in application and regulatory practices to sign a code of conduct and confidentiality agreement, including specific reference to declaration of conflict(s) of interest.
    2. Provide training to staff and volunteers involved in application and regulatory practices to mitigate bias and discrimination in the assessment and evaluation process.
    3. Have a multi-level review process for certification and registration so that a single individual is not the only assessor for an application and the Board of Examiners/Joint Board of Examiners make decisions on applications as a whole.
    4. Perform a language sensitivity review on all assessment tools with a focus on readability, inclusivity and diversity, neutrality, and accessibility for all candidates.

  4. Fairness: In developing and maintaining its application and regulatory policies and processes, ASET will ensure the Registrar and decision-making boards and committees:
    1. Adhere to legislated criteria and pre-determined defensible policies.
    2. Follow legislated processes and timelines.
    3. Provide applicants and members with clear and detailed reasons for all decisions.
    4. Treat all applicants and members consistently and with respect.  


Past Fair Practices Reports

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