ASET Webinars Archive

ASET Webinar Series

The ASET Webinar Series launched in 2020. Since then the association has strived to provide members with top-quality webinar presentations, covering topics from new technologies to best practices for the job hunt.

Below you can find every recorded webinar video released so far. Check this page regularly to watch the video recordings of webinars you weren't able to attend!


Retirement planning and
intelligent investing

ASET electronic document
authentication guidelines
& best practices

Live demo of the Notarius
digital signature software tool
for ASET professionals

Mind the gap: better exterior
wall performance through
cladding attachments

Tackling window pain:
understanding the benefits
of high-performance fenestration

AI – What do I need to know?

Fortifying your first line of
defense with cyber security
awareness training


ASET electronic document
authentication guidelines
& best practices

Introduction to high-performance

Deep green retrofits in Alberta

AI in Alberta & how Amii is
leading the way

Cyber security: strengthening
your human firewall

How to be a mentor

Building habits that stick

The evolution of roadside safety
standards – How they’ve evolved
and influenced end terminals
in Western Canada


What happens if you die
without a will or estate plan?

Understanding and applying
ASHRAE’s Core Recommendations
for mitigating aerosol infection risk

The “untitled” project manager:
The unsung hero of project

Scaling nanomanufacturing to
tackle global challenges

Climate solutions though
material innovations

55 years of impactful
ecological science


Executor duties 101

Fitting a flat project on a round
Earth: Understanding surveying
controls and requirements

Alberta's innovation ecosystem
- Bringing advanced technology
products to market

Cover letter & resume workshop
(part 1)

Interview workshop
(part 1)

Cover letter & resume workshop
(part 2)

Interview workshop
(part 2)

Addressing global challenges:
The Canadian nanotech story

Cover letter and resume workshop
for newcomers to Canada

How to lead when you
aren’t in charge


The New reality of Work

Building Canada’s
cleantech workforce

Above the crowd: resume
and interview techniques
to stand out

Electrical system maintenance

Geosynthetics 101

Building a community: The
development of East Village
and its role in the Rivers District

Building Blatchford: A leading
sustainable community
in the heart of Edmonton

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