Complaints Summary

Complaints Summary

December 12, 2024 - A complaint against Ken McNamara, P. Tech. (Eng.) was initiated by a member of the public in April 2024 for unprofessional conduct and unskilled practice for an existing retaining wall alleging that the member failed to conduct a site visit, nor provide calculations to approve the existing retaining wall. 

The ASET/APEGA Joint Investigative Committee met to discuss the complaint and agreed that further investigation was required. The Joint Investigative Committee appointed an Investigation Panel to conduct an investigation. Interviews with the member under investigation were held in June 2024. The Investigation Panel completed the investigation into the conduct of the member and found that Ken McNamara submitted a sealed drawing without completing the necessary calculations and/or other investigations necessary to confirm compliance with all relevant Design Codes and Standards. The Joint Investigative Committee found that the actions of Ken McNamara contravened the ASET Code of Ethics and clause 44 of the Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act and agreed to resolve the matter through a Recommended Discipline Order (RDO). The RDO/DCO was accepted by the member and by a Case Manager of the ASET/APEGA Joint Discipline Committee.

The Discipline Committee Order (DCO) was ratified by a member of the Joint Discipline Committee. The RDO/DCO outlined the following orders pursuant to s. 52 of the EGPA, and have the same force and effect as if they had been made by the Joint Discipline Committee following a formal hearing:

  • The member shall receive a letter of reprimand, and the letter shall remain on file with ASET indefinitely.
  • The member shall review the ASET Stamping Guidelines, Authenticating Professional Work Products (issued by APEGA), as well as the Professional Technologist Regulations.
  • The member shall pay a fine to ASET in the amount of $1000.
  • The member shall formally retract the drawing submitted to Strathcona County and confirm in writing to the County that he did not complete calculations relating to the wall that would be required to verify compliance with the National Building Code.
  • A summary of the Agreed Statement of Facts and the Order shall be published in a manner that identifies Ken McNamara by name; and
  • The Complainant shall be provided with a copy of the Order.


April 2, 2020 - A complaint against a P.Tech. member was initiated by a member of the public in August 2019 for unskilled practice alleging the member incorrectly certified elevators in the province of Saskatchewan. 

The ASET/APEGA Joint Investigative Committee met to discuss the case and agreed that the case required further investigation. The Joint Investigative Committee appointed an Investigation Panel to conduct an investigation. Interviews with the complainant, witness and member under investigation were held in November 2019. The Investigation Panel completed the investigation into the conduct of the member and agreed to resolve the matter through a Recommended Discipline Order (RDO). The RDO was accepted by the member under investigation and ratified by a Case Manager of the ASET/APEGA Joint Discipline Committee.

The RDO was ratified by a member of the Joint Discipline Committee via a Discipline Committee Order (DCO). The RDO/DCO outlined the following orders pursuant to s. 52 of the Act, and have the same force and effect as if they had been made by the Joint Discipline Committee following a formal hearing::

  • The member shall receive a letter of reprimand and the letter shall remain on file with ASET indefinitely.
  • The member shall review the ASET Stamping Guidelines, Authenticating Professional Work Products (issued by APEGA), as well as the Professional Technologist Regulations.
  • Within twelve (12) months of being notified that the Joint Discipline Committee has approved the Order, the member shall, at his own cost, successfully complete the National Professional Practice Exam (the Exam”) and provide the Registrar with satisfactory proof thereof.
  • Should the member fail to successfully complete the NPPE and provide proof of completion as specified in paragraph 3, his membership in ASET shall be suspended until such time as he complies with paragraph 3 of the Order.
  • A summary of the Agreed Statement of Facts and the Order shall be published in a manner that does not identify the member, the Complainants, or any other person, by name; and
  • The Complainant shall be provided with a copy of the Order.


February 12, 2018 - A complaint against a C.E.T. member was initiated by a member of the public in March 2017 for unprofessional conduct, alleging that the member forged a signature on cheques for the organization’s social club bank account. 

The ASET Investigative Committee met to discuss the case and agreed that the case required further investigation. Interviews with the complainant and member under investigation were held in July 2017. The Investigative Panel completed the investigation into the conduct of the member. The Investigative Committee agreed to resolve the matter through a Recommended Discipline Order (RDO). The RDO was accepted by the member under investigation and ratified by a Case Manager of the ASET Discipline Committee. 

The RDO set out the following:

  • The Member acknowledged that he unlawfully and without authorization signed the cheques using the Complainant’s signature, when he was not authorized to do so by the account signatory, contrary to his ethical obligations as a Certified Engineering Technologist.
  • The Member admitted to depositing the cheques into a new social club bank account in the Member’s name, knowing that they were forged, and not signed or authorized by any of the account holder signatories.
  • The Member further agreed that the conduct referred to above constitutes unprofessional conduct and is a violation of the Act as well as the Code of Ethics. 
  • The Member shall receive a letter of reprimand and the letter shall remain on file with ASET indefinitely.
  • The Member shall notify the Registrar that he has completed and passed, at his own cost, the National Professional Practice Exam (NPPE).
  • Should the member fail to successfully complete the NPPE, his membership in ASET shall be suspended until such time that he completes the NPPE and provides proof of completion.
  • A summary of the Agreed Statement of Facts, approved by the Discipline Committee Case Manager shall be published in a manner that does not identify the Member or the Complainant by name. 
  • The Complainant shall be provided with a copy of the Order.


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